So.... This is like running into that old friend whose call you never returned. But nobody's perfect, so have some art from the past, lets say, 2 years? In no particular order.
Wursu (being choke slammed) and Prowl (Vilmy's)

More Wursu

Meet Powersurge. He's my origina superhero type. And that's a monster chasing him.

My rendition of my character on Fallen London, Cesspool: a wily and puissant individual of mysterious and indistinct gender.

Studies. can you tell I like ladies with muscles?


I also enjoy murderous lizard ladies.

That's right! You didn't know I reconnected with my comics roots :p Have some spidey in a compromising pose.

A bunch of concepts until I reached Cesspool's final mask.

Creatures :D

Weird anatomy, but I like the face.

I like this guy but skeletons are hard to draw.

Studies :v

Back here!

What can I say? Tumblr got too busy. Either way, there is a lot to post up here, and I am excited to start over on something I kind of just...